Monday, August 13, 2012

Lesson #2 - Be nice!

Soph Soph,

One day when you are a little older you are going to realize that there are a lot of people in the world who are different than you. Some may have different beliefs, are involved in things that you've been taught are wrong, from different countries or practice different religion, may not have a lot of money, look or act different...etc. The list goes on and on. Be nice to them! Be nice to everyone but don't overlook the people who may be different than you. I'm not asking that you become best friends with them, just that you are nice to them when they see you. I hope people look at you and know what your standards are and know that even though you may practice different beliefs or ideas, or have a different situation, that they are not judged by you - that you can still be nice to them. That's important. All it takes is a smile, or a wave, or a simple "hi" as you pass them. It makes a world of difference to so many. Be nice. Don't jeopardize your standards to fit in and be best friends with every person in every friend group but make sure to be nice to everyone regardless of if you are in that group of friends or not. Take it from me Soph, you'll be so much happier when you do that. I sure love you, Soph. So much. I can't wait to see you grow. XO


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