Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dear Sophia,

I often look at you and think things like:

I can't wait to see you crawl.
The day when you start to talk will be so fun.
I can't wait to see your teeth come in.
You're going to look so cute when you start to walk.
I'm excited for the day I get to feed you finger foods.

And while I think of the things of the future and how excited I am for them, I sometimes forget how much I love this season of life we are in. One day I am going to look back and miss the stage of life you are in and wish I could go back. One day I'll look back and miss:

Your frizzy bird hair that drys standing straight up when I wash it.
Your gummy smile with no teeth.
The look you get in your eyes when you are going to smile.
Your itty bitty newborn diapers.
Your sad face. It's the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen but so cute at the same time.
The "stinky" smell you get from my breast milk.
The way you refuse to suck on anything and the way you put your fist up to your mouth and lick it instead of suck.
The dark, slate color of your eyes because they have yet to change.
The way you will imitate people when they stick out their tongue.
Your kisses. I realize I won't always be able to give you a giant kiss on your mouth.
The way you curl up in the fetal position when you lay on my chest.
How when you want to laugh, you breath really fast through your nose.
Sitting you on my stomach and making you do dance moves because you can't control your limbs yet.
Your cry. It won't always be that high pitched squeak. You won't always sound like a squeaky toy.
The way you prefer to sleep in our bed over your own.

So for now I'm going to enjoy those things and live in the moment because one day those will be things of the past and I will never be able to get them back. I hope you know how much I love you. Never forget it. XOXO


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